Navigation system creates clarity in networks
A permanent monitoring and a continuous status analysis of the communication quality in industrial networks are essential. But for reliable monitoring of an industrial network, precise knowledge of the network topology is also necessary. Only in this case is the potential malfunction cause localized quickly. Even in big installations it is successful with the right equipment and without acquiring further network or IT knowledge.
Indu-Sol provides a clever solution by combining diagnostics and topology for monitoring Profinet and Ethernet networks.

The practice-oriented PROFINET DiagnosticDUO acts like a navigation system for a plant and thus supports the maintainer effectively at his work. Due to the teamwork of the live topology plan and the diagnostics display, the location of each node is detected immediately as well as the health status (Fig. 1). Therefore the software PROscan® Active works hand in hand with the PROFInet INspektor®, which is responsible for network diagnostics (Fig. 2).
A strong team: Live topology plan plus diagnostic tool
The topology software PROscan® Active describes and displays Profinet and Ethernet networks quickly and in detail. It scans the Profinet network automatically in variable time periods during operation and creates a graphical live topology plan. This includes

information about the Profinet name, IP or MAC address, current port allocation, line length, damping reserve and notice of breaks. Additionally, the software provides a clear list of node information like hardware and software version, device name and type as well as order number. The software is touch panel optimized.
Combined with the diagnostic tool PROFInet-INspektor® the status of each node is visible at a glance in the topology plan. Via traffic light colors (red, yellow, green) the device status is visualized graphically. Depending on the pre-defined trigger functions all events are registered and stored per device in the PN-INspektor®. Hereby, quality values like network load, data throughput, refresh rate, telegram gaps and telegram jitter are detected. These mirror the current status of communication quality. Via the potential-free contact a visual alert can be set. The on-site maintainer views the network quality anytime and can localize potential malfunction causes quickly without needing further knowledge of network technology. If you are interested in keeping an overview even on control level, you are supported by the central software PROmanage. It provides a centralized monitoring of several INspektors or switches across all fieldbuses.