PI Update

  • Post category:PI NEWS
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Updates from PI this month include a new MinutePROFINET video about manufacturing uptime, some creative blog posts on the Industrial Internet of Things, PROFINETuptime.com, and the 2014 PROFIBUS and PROFINET node counts.


The first MinutePROFINET video (“What is PROFINET?”) was released on November 18, 2011. If only we had known at that time what we’d created… Since then, the MinutePROFINET Channel has gathered:

  • 100,000 total video views
  • 500 subscribers
  • 18 unique videos

The latest:


“If you’re not part of the solution you must be part of the solute.”

profinet-soluteSo begins a recent post on the PROFIblog. The flurry in creativity doesn’t stop there however. The PROFIblogger has been busy.



Upgrade_to_More_UptimeA new advertising campaign from PI North America looks at how PROFINET helps reduce manufacturing downtime. This microsite will expand throughout the year with information and application stories. Head over to PROFINETuptime.com.



Even though it has been on the market for a long time, PROFIBUS continues to report impressive market growth. At the end of 2014, nearly 51 million PROFIBUS devices were installed in industrial plants worldwide, about 3.6 million more than the previous year. This number shows that user confidence in PROFIBUS is as high as ever. PROFIBUS PA is also recording steady growth. Around 9 million PROFIBUS devices are now installed in the process automation sector including around 800,000 more than in 2013.

With 10 million PROFINET devices installed in the market today, another goal has been reached. The steep growth curve is set to continue. This is consistent with the forecasts of an ARC market study of trends in Ethernet-based systems, which stated that the growth of PROFINET is expected to exceed that of its competitors and the general Industrial Ethernet market.