Certified Engineers and Installers meet a global standard of excellence and are listed on the PI website. Learn more about certification classes and become acquainted with the other types of training offered. A live webinar is scheduled for August 30, “Introduction to PROFINET.” In North America the 22nd annual member meeting is scheduled.
PI Training Centers (PITCs) offer Certified Network Engineer classes and Certified Installer classes. Specialization in PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, PROFIBUS PA, and PROFIsafe is available. Certified classes are approved by PI and the PITCs are audited by PI to ensure that they comply with the Quality of Service agreement that has been signed by the PITC and PI. PI through its training working group provides learning outcomes that must be met by the student before a certificate can be issued. The learning outcomes are in the form of theoretical and practical tests. The certificates are issued by the Regional PI Association for the region in which the class is taught.
Certified Engineers and Installers meet a global standard of excellence and are listed on the PI website.
Regional PI Associations offer non-certification classes, workshops, and seminars. Some examples:
PI North America offers free PROFINET one-day training classes to introduce PROFINET to engineers, IT, and maintenance staff.

PROFINET Developers Workshop will be offered on September 8 in the UK.
For a complete list of local classes, visit the Training and Event page.
Introduction to PROFINET webinar
PROFINET is the most broadly installed Industrial Ethernet. This webinar will introduce you to the basics and provide suggestions for further study. Ask your questions during the live webinar on August 30, 2:00pm USA Eastern Time. Register online.
PI North America Member Meeting
PI North America will hold its 22nd annual member meeting in September, the PI North America General Assembly Meeting. This year will feature, by popular request, many user application stories. In addition, there will be reports from the working groups, news of the technologies, and plans for 2017. Opportunity is available for people-to-people networking, too. Details for this member-only event are online.