New Activity: PROFINET Security Ecosystem

  • Post category:PI NEWS
  • Reading time:2 mins read


The PROFINET specifications have been extended by Security Classes 1, 2 and 3. The implementation of security test cases for the PROFINET test bundle is in work by the Test System Development Group (TSDG). The result will allow vendors to prepare their products for the mandatory certification at a PI Test Lab. In addition, the TSDG and the PROFINET IO working group will organize further interop workshops so that technology providers and PROFINET device/controller vendors can verify their implementation of the security features with other implementations.


However, there still remains demand to coordinate an interoperability field test for devices, switches, controllers and DCS vendors that will help to identify issues in an early phase –specifically in the process control industries. The Security Field Test for PROFINET over APL AdHoc PG shall coordinate these tests, plus cooperate with NAMUR to investigate one of the biggest challenges of security: usability for end users.

Examples of topics to be aligned:

  • Is manual certificate provisioning accepted for some use cases?
  • What use-cases require automated certificate provisioning?
  • What interaction is required between automation engineering and security engineering?
  • AMS tools are used for field device commissioning: Shall these tools also be used to perform SIH workflows (only for field devices or also for other devices like controllers that require certificate management as well)?
  • How to integrate in PKI infrastructure of the customer plant?