PI North America Launches Procurement Resource

In an effort to streamline the procurement process for control engineers, production machine designers, and automated factories, PI North America is excited to announce the launch of a new resource: Where to Buy. This resource is designed to help users easily find distributors of PROFIBUS, PROFINET, IO-Link, and omlox-enabled products that are members of PI North America.

“It’s one of the most common requests we get, ‘Where can I acquire this particular product?’”, says Michael Bowne, Executive Director, PI North America. “We have a diverse membership base, including distributors of automation products. And now we have a one-stop shop to get those requests into their hands. It’s a win for the customers and a win for the distributors.”

The Where to Buy resource complements nicely the monthly new product announcements in the PROFINEWS newsletter and on the profinews.com website. Here, automation device manufacturers provide information about newly released products. Readers of PROFINEWS are made aware of available products from across the PI membership. But the buying cycle can be long between selection and purchase. Now, there is a simple resource for customers in North America to bridge that gap when the time comes.

Since automation products can be complex devices that require close consultation with suppliers, the Where to Buy page makes it easy for users to find their local contact. Then they can quickly get to the distributor’s line card and tap into the distributor’s product knowledge, availability, and support.

Check out the Where to Buy page here:  https://us.profinet.com/resources/where-to-buy/