PI North America Launches Procurement Resource
Where to Buy is a new resource designed to help users easily find distributors of PROFIBUS, PROFINET, IO-Link, and omlox-enabled products. Find out more about this great resource.
Where to Buy is a new resource designed to help users easily find distributors of PROFIBUS, PROFINET, IO-Link, and omlox-enabled products. Find out more about this great resource.
The first rounds of Certified PROFINET Engineer trainings have occurred in the last few months, notably training participants on PROFINET PA. The PROFINET PA portion focuses on bringing PROFINET into hazardous areas via Ethernet-APL.
PI North America, in cooperation with the PROFI Interface Center, organized the third successful North American PROFINET Plugfest. It was hosted by Phoenix Contact in Houston, TX on September 19-20. Twenty engineers from nine companies brought six controllers and more than a dozen I/O devices to the Plugfest.
On Thursday October 5, 2023, PI North America hosted its third and final IO-Link User Workshop of the year in the United States. The event was held in Minneapolis, MN and was a huge success, attended by well over 100 people.
On Thursday March 30, 2023, PI North America hosted its first IO-Link User Workshop in the United States. The event was held in Auburn Hills, MI and was a huge success, attended by over 120 people.
We have three great events coming up in the next several weeks. Plan to join us at the PROFINET One-Day Training Classes in Austin, TX or Richmond, VA. There is also an IO-Link User Workshop in Detroit, MI. And come see omlox at the ProMat show in Chicago.
For 2023, PI North America has announced its PROFINET One-Day Training Class schedule, three dedicated IO-Link workshops, a planned PROFINET Plugfest, plus omlox exhibiting at ProMat. Find an event in your area and participate today.
Successful in-person workshops have been performed in Denmark and the USA. In Denmark the workshops revolved around IO-Link, and in the USA the workshops covered PROFINET. Learn More...