Report from the General Assembly Meeting

Michael Bryant introduced this issue of PROFINEWS with a hint about PI North America’s recent General Assembly Meeting (GAM). Michael Bowne in the article immediately above took the introduction to the PROFINET of Things at the GAM and distilled them into a webcast. Carl Henning in the PROFIblog is portioning out an informal reporting of the event. Here are the highlights from the meeting.

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Regional Events and Training

Following the PROFIsafe theme of this issue, PI has announced two courses being taught in Karlsruhe on the subject in October. In Italy, a PROFIBUS & PROFINET Day is slated to take place in Naples and an IO-Link Workshop is being offered in Bergamo. A similar IO-Link Workshop will be held in Minnesota, USA as well. ABB has announced two PROFIBUS trainings in Germany in November. The Middle East held its first PROFIday, which is shaping up to be a quarterly event.

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Training and Events: A Busy Month of June

global-communication-background003The month of June is shaping up to be a busy month for training. Find an event in your area and increase your expertise in PROFIBUS, PROFINET, or both! Free and paid classes are available, catering to varying levels of experience.  In Germany there will be a plugfest and PROFINET workshops.  In North America, free PROFINET training classes continue.  Two IO-Link workshops are scheduled in Europe. (more…)

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