Accredited PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) Competence Centers (PICCs) provide high-quality support for PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies worldwide. PI is very pleased with the continued strong interest on all the continents in adding to the list of accredited PICCs. In the past three months, three PICCs were established in South America, one in Turkey, one in Canada as well as yet another in Germany. And now in China.

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Small Steps to Digital Plant Success

When Fortescue designed and developed their Solomon Hub mine in the Hamersley Ranges, the scale of the project was impressive. At the time of their creation, the Firetail and Kings ore mines (together making up the Solomon Hub) created the world's largest PROFINET Industrial Ethernet network. This network played an enormous role in productivity and efficiency improvements.

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IO-Link Community Japan

IO-Link Community Japan leader, Mr. Shinichi Motoyosh, announced the start of the IO-Link Community Japan in April 2017 to promote the industrial digital communication technology, IO-Link. And it also starts the “IO-Link experience course” from June 2017 at Industrial Open-Network Laboratory of Research Institute for Science and Engineering in Waseda University, as one of the field communication seminars.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Training and Events – June 2017

PI Middle East has just completed a series of PROFIBUS and PROFINET certification training classes throughout the Middle East with a class on Food and Bev scheduled for September. PI UK has free PROFIBUS, PROFINET, and IO-Link classes scheduled for the fall. PI North America continues its free PROFINET one-day training classes with a total of 17 to be completed in 2017. PI has scheduled a PROFIsafe Certified Designer Training for October 10 - 12, 2017.

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