omlox to Premier at LogiMAT

After a nearly two-year break from trade fairs, PI is especially looking forward to its appearances in 2022. It will be represented with a stand (Hall 6/G34) at LogiMAT in Stuttgart, Germany from May 31 through June 2, 2022 for the first time, where it will be presenting the new omlox location-tracking standard.

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Two Upcoming PI Webinars: Apr 6 and 19

Join us Wednesday April 6th for a PI International webinar on "Technologies for the Digital Transformation" –held twice to cover all timezones. And then join us on Tuesday April 19th for a PI North America webinar to get your "Top 7 PROFINET Questions Answered" by our resident PROFINET expert in this Q&A-style online discussion.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Practical Testing of IO-Link Technology

On November 3 and 4, 2021, more than 90 representatives from 37 international businesses once again gathered in Bad Soden (Germany) for the latest interoperability workshop. The IO-Link Community invited experts and manufacturers to test and ensure the interoperability of devices, masters and tools under real working conditions.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read