Tech Tip: Suite and Simple Network Management with PROFINET (Part 3)

In part 3 of this series of tech tips, we’ll cover PROFINET application layer device diagnostics and alarms, data records, and additional features, which give us complete accessibility and control in the event of a diagnostic or issue with the network. We often refer to this as “diagnostics down to the wire.” The article explains this concept.

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Training and Events – July 2016

Plugfests are in the news with a recent PROFINET plugfest in Germany and an upcoming PROFINET plugfest in the US. IO-Link has a similar event scheduled for October. Recent events included an international meeting of PI Competence Centers (PICC), PI Training Centers (PITCs) and PI Test Labs (PITLs) plus an IO-Link member meeting. There are still hundreds of training and events scheduled for 2016.

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Regional News – July 2016

Unlike many other organizations in industrial automation, PI is large enough that it can support a decentralized structure (as opposed to a centralized one). This means each Regional PI Association can deliver support and events that are suited to their local market. More importantly, it means there's a lot happening around the globe, all the time. Newsworthy topics highlighted in this article are from: China, India, Italy, Korea, and Norway.

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PI Australia hosts Global Meeting

Australia is at the back end of a 20 year resources boom and transitioning away from a mining investment-based economy. Efficiency and productivity are essential to keep Australia competitive and the event contrasted global developments with our local needs. Our technologies are at the innovative forefront of IIoT and Industrie 4.0 and it was our ambition to start the dialogue between the major stakeholders to work towards an innovative mindset in our industry.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

PI Annual Meeting News

Regional PI Associations (RPAs) from around the world gathered for their annual meeting in Sydney Australia and stayed to support PI Australia’s PROFIBUS & PROFINET Global Forum and Automation Innovation Summit.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read