Call for Experts: omlox Safety

During the last few years, a global standard for real-time location tracking has been established in omlox. As a result of demand to address use-cases related to functional safety, a new working group will be established to bring omlox into this realm. Experts wanted!

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Stepping Up Industrial Network Security: PROFINET Security Update

In the complex and interconnected world of industrial automation, the security of communication networks is not just a feature—it's a necessity. PROFINET has long recognized this need and marks a milestone in what can be likened to 'security feature completeness' with its upcoming release of the MU5 of the PROFINET specification.

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Call for Experts: Independent Protocol Physical Layer (10BASE-T1L) Joint WG

PI, FieldComm Group, ODVA, and the OPC Foundation have agreed to collaborate to develop general purpose 10BASE-T1L applications and therefore intend to form a Joint Working Group for this purpose. With Ethernet-APL completed, there is a desire to use this SPE technology to support devices in non-ex areas as well.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read