PI Supports Industry in the Implementation of Security

Over the past few years, security has been integrated into the PROFINET specification through close cooperation between experienced PROFINET and security experts. The next steps are now on the agenda, such as certification. This has been completed for Security Class 1 since the last update, with the focus now shifting to Security Classes 2 and 3.

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News from the SRCI Community

10 years ago, an engineer had the idea of creating a standardized robot command interface that would allow PLC-programmers to program robots directly in the PLC. PI has been supporting this technology (SRCI) for three years and is driving its development, with great success: 28 companies are now on board. The companies iNexBot and Fairino are the latest to join.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

MTP News and Upcoming Webinar

Module Type Package (MTP) provides for easier, more flexible integration of automation equipment. An upcoming webinar on December 11 provides an overview of MTP and describes its use-cases, numerous advantages, and how to build an MTP-compliant product. Register today.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read