IO-Link: Did You Know?

Did you know that over 100 members now belong to the IO-Link community? IO-Link has established itself in the market faster than almost any other communication technology. At the market launch in 2009, there were 41 member companies to start. Now with the addition of Weiss Robotics in October, the 100th company has joined the member community.

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Social Media

PI provides a number of “Social Media” venues as service to the community of PROFINET and PROFIBUS users and beyond. From opinionated blog posts to educational videos, see the spectrum of PI Social Media.

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Member News: Phoenix Contact Assists Local College with PROFINET Kits

HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, has become the first American school to join Phoenix Contact’s EduNet program. EduNet is an international education network that brings together schools and industry in the field of automation technology. The EduNet program includes donating equipment for the lab. This gives students hands-on access to several Phoenix Contact ILC controller and PROFINET starter kits, the same type of equipment they might use once they graduate and work on the manufacturing floor.

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Regional News

News this month from: Germany, where a successful PROFIsafe workshop was held; Italy and Poland, with IO-Link workshops; France, who is hosting three events in early December; and Australia, where they prepare for the 2016 Automation Innovation Summit.

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Product News

New products this month include a PROFINET master simulator software from HMS, four new gateways from ProSoft, power buffers and power converters from SIEMENS with PROFINET connectivity, and an embeddable PROFINET interface from Hilscher that includes an OPC UA server.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Welcome to PROFINEWS!

Welcome to the 133rd edition of PROFINEWS! Having just wrapped up our 21st General Assembly Meeting here in Scottsdale, AZ, I can say with confidence that our organization is stronger than ever. After 21 years it's exciting to see so much new development happening, and we're still pushing the envelope to remain innovative in this space.

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PROFINET of Things Webinar

A new webinar has been posted giving some background and description to what the 'PROFINET of Things' is. The video is approximately 15 minutes long. Watch it and learn how PROFINET provides a foundation for IIoT and Industrie 4.0.

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  • Reading time:1 mins read