MTP Added to PI Technology Portfolio

Module Type Package (MTP) reduces the time and effort required for the planning, configuration and commissioning of a factory. The modularization of a production plant makes it possible to use standardized plant parts. MTP was created by NAMUR and ZVEI. In PI, both organizations have found a solid partner for the further development, quality assurance and international distribution of MTP.

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Next Steps in PROFINET Security

Signing of the GSD file is an important part of implementing Security Class 1. With a signed GSD, it can be ensured that the GSD has not been changed, either unintentionally or intentionally. For PROFINET users, this is crucial support for the secure operation of their plant.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Holistic Traffic Management with omlox

Intralogistics is becoming dominated by automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). omlox enables vendor-independent location tracking of all moving objects. VDA 5050 standardizes the interface between AGVs/AMRs and fleet management software. Together, omlox and VDA 5050 ensure interoperability between AGVs/AMRs and fleet controllers.

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  • Post category:PI NEWS
  • Reading time:8 mins read

PROFINET Community Stack

The core of PROFINET communication is being provided in a joint C-language library in a community project as a common protocol stack. The objective is to simplify the integration of TSN functions as well as existing and future PROFINET functions, accelerating implementation of the technology and reducing the expenditure of individual manufacturers.

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Practical Testing of IO-Link Technology

On November 3 and 4, 2021, more than 90 representatives from 37 international businesses once again gathered in Bad Soden (Germany) for the latest interoperability workshop. The IO-Link Community invited experts and manufacturers to test and ensure the interoperability of devices, masters and tools under real working conditions.

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  • Post category:TRAINING / EVENTS
  • Reading time:2 mins read