With the merger now complete of the PROFINEWS International and PROFINEWS North American editions, we look forward to publicizing PI members’ company and product news. Got an interesting PROFIBUS case study? Or perhaps a new PROFINET product? Submit those and other relevant news items to editor@nullprofinews.com. The combined newsletter means a wider, more global audience has access to this information.

A global audience means a global perspective. As a reader, in addition to the content that is relevant to your region, you can also expect to hear interesting stories from around the globe. In the navigation menu here at profinews.com, there is a menu item titled “Regional News” that contains sub-menu items for individual regions. Use this section to get localized information. As profinews.com gets populated with more content, this menu will grow to include those stories. For example, here in Issue 122 there is a story from Japan which now appears under “Regional News”. As a PI member, we’re always looking for your valuable stories to distribute to the industrial automation community.
TIP: You can now download an issue as an auto-generated PDF for on-the-go reading. This link also appears in the footer.