PI News from around the world comes from Australia, Italy, and the UK. PI Australia just completed their annual general meeting with positive results; will host a one day PROFINET & PROFIBUS Expo; and announces training courses for later this year. PI Italy had a successful show with an award-winning PROFIenergy paper. PI UK reports on their recent conference.
PROFIBUS Australia (PAA) has announced a profit for the 2014 Financial Year, but forecast a softer financial return in 2015 following a slowdown in Australia’s resources sector.
PAA made these announcements at its 2015 Annual General Meeting, held at Burkert Fluid Controls’ premises in Sydney on May 28, 2015. The 2014 Financial Year results represent the second consecutive year of profits for PAA.
With Australia’s resources sector being a major user of PAA’s Certified training courses, the association predicts that the slowdown in that sector will reduce its revenue during the current financial year.
However, PAA says the drop in revenue will not affect its promotional plans for 2015 and 2016, announcing a wide range of promotional initiatives.
PROFIBUS International Conference
The annual international PI Meeting will be held in Sydney in May 2016.
The one day PROFINET & PROFIBUS Expo will follow the PI International Conference, at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney on Wednesday May 25, 2016.
Many of the PI delegates, leading experts in Industrial Networks and Automation Technologies, will be guest speakers at the Expo’s one-day Forum.
PROFIBUS and PROFINET Certified Training Courses
This series of training courses will run in October/November 2015. They will feature the newly elected Global PITC Chairman, Peter Thomas, an experienced trainer and recognized authority on PROFIBUS and PROFINET.
The Certified Training Courses will be conducted in Auckland, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Advanced bookings are now open, and can be made on the PAA website.
2015 Executive and Marketing Committee
PAA has also announced the elected 2015 Executive and Marketing Committees. Due to the busy year of planning ahead, the 2015 Marketing Committee will be larger than usual.
PROFINET for the Energy Efficiency awarded at SPS IPC Drives Italy 2015

PI Italy keeps on with its education and formation activities in order to present and promote the technological innovations of PROFIBUS and PROFINET. In particular, this year at SPS IPC Drives the consortium took part at the Round Table “Appointment with Technology” and Micaela Caserza Magro (professor at the Engineering Department of the Genova University & partner of the Genova Competence Centre GFCC) won the second place in the category “Projecting Efficiency” of the SPS Award – Scientific Paper Symposium Award.
The essay entitled “PROFINET for the Energy Efficiency” shows how today the energy efficiency is one the most important themes in the industrial sector and how companies are working hard on it. Therefore, it’s clear that it is important to integrate energy management and monitoring in the communication structure easily and effectively.
Besides the participation at the round table, PI Italy hosted some of the consortium’s members: Camozzi, C.S.M.T., Deutschmann, Elap, G.F.C.C., Laumas, Pepperl+Fuchs, Phoenix Contact, Profichip, Siemens. They presented all their products’ news and products. Many visitors came to Pi Italy booth to meet the experts.
The PROFIBUS Group was founded in May 1993. Twenty two years later, we’re still celebrating, this time with a two-day Conference with Workshops and Table Top Exhibition held 23-24 June 2015 at The Stratford Manor Hotel, Stratford-upon-Avon, where we have held our conferences for a number of years. Read more at the PI UK website.