IO-Link Worldwide News – June 2021

IODDfinder – 750,000 downloads per month

The regular evaluation of IODDfinder usage continues to show a strong positive trend – both on the user side and on the manufacturer side. In the last 12 months, the number of available device descriptions on IODDfinder has increased by about 25%. To the same extent, the number of manufacturers providing their IODDs centrally via this portal has also changed upwards. Device descriptions for over 21,000 devices from 111 manufacturers can now be accessed via the IODDfinder. Accordingly, the number of accesses has also increased by about 60% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year to approximately 750,000 downloads per month – with an upward trend. These downloads are almost exclusively automated via IO-Link tools.

IO-Link Growing Quickly in North America

During the first couple of months of 2021, there was a strong uptick in companies joining the local Regional PI Association (PI North America) to gain access to the IO-Link Community. Also, existing PI North America members are joining the IO-Link Community. Due to this demand, PI North America decided to ‘test the waters’ by hosting a webinar, which was held on May 25th. Over 400 persons registered, and more than 200 people attended! It was an unquestionable success. To build upon that success, a website home for IO-Link in North America is being built, which should be ready in the coming weeks.

Watch the archived webinar recording here:

IO-Link Met With Great Interest in Japan

Due to the increased demands for IO-Link, the IO-Link Community Japan held two seminars at the end of May, an “Introduction Seminar” and a “Development Seminar”. Due to COVID, both seminars were held online on May 28th, 2021; however, the number of registrations was very satisfying for the new IO-Link Community in Japan. In total, 213 people registered for the Introduction seminar and 76 participants for the Development Webinar. Thus, the number of guests has doubled since the last webinar in November! Also, the demands and the use-cases of IO-Link are growing immensely in Japan. Further events will follow in autumn!