Information Models – PI Strategy for Industry 4.0

A new white paper describes how OPC UA information models open up data access for existing and future PROFINET devices. The first standardized, open information models for PROFINET and IO-Link are already available. Also, watch a short video that summarizes the uses and benefits of structured information models.

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How omlox Enables Service-Oriented Business Models

Due to a lack of seamless and precise location data, service-oriented business models in industry have historically been limited to either stationary indoor equipment or mobile outdoor equipment scenarios. With omlox, the world’s first open location-tracking standard in industry, new service-oriented business models are now possible.

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IO-Link in the Field: A Well-Established Success!

IO-Link has grown exponentially in many areas of industry and is implemented in a large number of products. I’m very confident that IO-Link will see further growth as a neutral PI technology in other areas of application outside of industry as well. The question is heard more often: "Is this device also available with IO-Link?"

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From Idea to Implementation

On the face of it our Working Groups look pretty similar this year when compared to last year. TSN, Security, APL/SPE, OPC UA, 5G, etc. are familiar terms we say countless times. Behind the scenes though, we’ve become much more specific in implementation in terms of the steps from idea to product.

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Information Models: Defining Data and Relations

Welcome to 2022. With larger and larger amounts of manufacturing data being used at enterprise IT levels, the challenge of easily accessing, collecting, and processing that data is growing. To tackle this challenge, the power of information models has become clear and will be a focus for PI over the coming year.

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