New Document Highlight
Are you aware of the many freely downloadable documents on the website? From guidelines, to system descriptions, to brochures, all topics are covered in a range of depths from introductory to advanced.
Are you aware of the many freely downloadable documents on the website? From guidelines, to system descriptions, to brochures, all topics are covered in a range of depths from introductory to advanced.
2019 is shaping up to be a very big year –at least it is for PROFIBUS/PROFINET International (PI). With a number of major releases planned, now is the time to familiarize yourself with three major technological advancements that are finally coming into reality.
PI and its 100+ international co-exhibitors are looking forward to your visit at SPS/IPC/Drives Fair in Hall 5, Stand 210, this November... Find out more about the event right here and get connected with the organization!
Standards save time and money. On the drive level, probably the best example of successful standardization is the vendor-neutral drive profile: PROFIdrive.
Drive profiles free the user program from device-specific details. The more versatile and comprehensive a drive profile is, the greater the benefit.
By the end of 2017, there were more than 8 million registered IO-Link nodes and the number is anticipated to grow rapidly in the forthcoming years. This is why the IO-Link Community has been systematically engaged with functionally safe communication.
It is interesting how Hype Topics evolve, and how some of them then vanish shortly afterward. Looking towards functional safety, it turns out that this is not to be considered a hype topic as such, but as a key ingredient for successful automation solutions.
Last June, more than 150 developers met at three different PI events focusing on PROFINET device development. Particularly, the PROFINET Plugfest was the ideal platform for knowledge and information exchange between developers. Also, an IO-Link Plugfest is scheduled for October 16-17 in Esslingen, Germany. Register Here...