Hannover Fair Report

The Hannover Fair is the largest industrial trade show. Each year a partner country is featured with this year’s partner being the USA. Not surprisingly, attendance from the USA reached an all-time high at 5,000 out of the 190,000 attendees. PI had its own booth on the red carpet tour route.

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PROFINET and TSN Close Ranks through Industrie 4.0

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is expected to be the next big advancement in standard Ethernet. This set of standards will allow deterministic performance as part of IEEE-standard Ethernet. Some of the standards will not be finalized for quite some time, but PI has begun a Working Group to determine how best to leverage TSN in PROFINET. Note that PROFINET already provides deterministic, high-speed performance, but as TSN starts to appear as part of the Ethernet infrastructure, PROFINET will use it. Initial results from the working group are expected in November.

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Intelligent Communication Networks in the Application of Industrie 4.0

Are new technologies needed for implementation of Industry 4.0? Not necessarily. Rather, it is a matter of toughening up existing technologies so that they can meet future requirements. Profinet is already well-prepared for this because of the important groundwork laid by PI (PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International).

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Hannover Fair Preview

Hannover Fair will be held April 25-29 with the theme “Integrated Industry - Discover Solutions.” This year’s partner country is the USA and President Obama will be there for the opening ceremony with a large contingent from the US. PI will present PROFINET, PROFIBUS, and IO-Link at Hall 9, Booth D68 under the banner “PROFINET - The Backbone of Industrie 4.0.” Stop by to see how PI technologies can already fulfill the requirements of Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things.

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PI Community Communications

PI Chairman Karsten Schneider shares his observations on the importance of communications - not just in bits and bytes, but person-to-person and organization-to-organization. The huge success of PI technologies is based on communication. The quality and widespread global use of PI technologies would never have been possible if the PROFIBUS and PROFINET developers had not had an outstanding character trait - the absolute determination to communicate with one another.

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