Training and Events – September 2016

PI North America hosts its annual members meeting starting September 27. Seats are still available. A new webinar “Introduction to PROFINET” has been archived. Free PROFINET one-day training classes in the USA continue after a summer break. PROFIsafe Certified Designer Training and PROFIsafe Refresher Seminar are scheduled in Germany but in the English language. Germany will be hosting a number of German language classes.

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Training and Events – August 2016

Certified Engineers and Installers meet a global standard of excellence and are listed on the PI website. Learn more about certification classes and become acquainted with the other types of training offered. A live webinar is scheduled for August 30, "Introduction to PROFINET." In North America the 22nd annual member meeting is scheduled.

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Regional News – July 2016

Unlike many other organizations in industrial automation, PI is large enough that it can support a decentralized structure (as opposed to a centralized one). This means each Regional PI Association can deliver support and events that are suited to their local market. More importantly, it means there's a lot happening around the globe, all the time. Newsworthy topics highlighted in this article are from: China, India, Italy, Korea, and Norway.

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Training Update – May 2016

This issue spotlights the 29 global certified PI Training Centers (PITCs) in 19 countries around the globe. PITCs train engineers and installers in courses ranging in length from one day to week-long. PITCs can be certified to teach Certified PROFIBUS Designer / Engineer / Installer, Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer, and/or Certified PROFINET Engineer / Installer.

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Regional News – May 2016

In Brazil, more seminars have been hosted at AmBev as the company rolls out its standardization on PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Meanwhile, Australia prepares for the 2016 PI Global Forum and Automation Innovation Summit, to be held on May 25th. In the Netherlands, an Industrial Communication seminar is scheduled for June 9th in the port city of Rotterdam.

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Training (All US Classes Finalized)

There are over 200 training classes remaining globally in 2016. Visit the PI global training website to filter by country, technology, and target student. Of note is an IO-Link workshop in Italy. In North America, the training schedule is finalized for PROFINET free one-day training classes, PROFINET and PROFIBUS Certified Network Engineer classes, and PROFINET Developer classes.

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Regional News – April 2016

Italy is hosting three PROFIBUS/PROFINET Days throughout 2016. The first is scheduled for April 13th in Alba. The next will take place in Florence on June 28th. In February, the PROFIBUS Group of the United Kingdom held a successful seminar at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry. The 70 attendees learned about PROFIBUS, PROFINET, and IO-Link.

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