Information Models: Defining Data and Relations

Welcome to 2022. With larger and larger amounts of manufacturing data being used at enterprise IT levels, the challenge of easily accessing, collecting, and processing that data is growing. To tackle this challenge, the power of information models has become clear and will be a focus for PI over the coming year.

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From the Chairman’s Desk – Dec 2021

Despite being unable to meet in person at this year's SPS fair, I am proud to share some exciting news here. Highlights include Module Type Package (MTP) being added to the PI technology portfolio, and the PROFINET Community Stack. There's also news about Security, TSN, and the Standard Robot Interface. Thanks for reading.

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

MTP Added to PI Technology Portfolio

Module Type Package (MTP) reduces the time and effort required for the planning, configuration and commissioning of a factory. The modularization of a production plant makes it possible to use standardized plant parts. MTP was created by NAMUR and ZVEI. In PI, both organizations have found a solid partner for the further development, quality assurance and international distribution of MTP.

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Next Steps in PROFINET Security

Signing of the GSD file is an important part of implementing Security Class 1. With a signed GSD, it can be ensured that the GSD has not been changed, either unintentionally or intentionally. For PROFINET users, this is crucial support for the secure operation of their plant.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read