Training and Events Around the Globe
Upcoming training and workshops in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and North America: IO-Link workshops, PROFINET certification, PROFIBUS certification, training classes. Stay up to date, and find events near you!
Upcoming training and workshops in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and North America: IO-Link workshops, PROFINET certification, PROFIBUS certification, training classes. Stay up to date, and find events near you!
PI welcomes one more PI Competence Center in North America and announces several upcoming training opportunities...
The factory floor is extremely complex! Thousands of interconnected devices, and PROFINET connects all of them through a common Ethernet network. For those new to the technology, it can seem a bit overwhelming. This video explains PROFINET in introductory terms for beginners. Enjoy!
A recent survey conducted by PI North America found that there is a lack of awareness regarding available certified PROFIBUS and PROFINET training for engineers. Find an upcoming class and sign up today. Members receive a per-student discount!
There is news from all over the globe: PROFINET courses in Denmark, Brazil holds its first users meeting, a PI Competency Center in India attended an important vendor meeting, and much more...
Global news this month centers on events in the UK, the United States, Germany, and Italy. Industrie 4.0 enablers are to be featured at a PI event at Wrexham Glyndwr University. Free PROFINET one-day training classes resume in the USA following a summer recess. ABB will host German-language PROFIBUS DP / PA workshops in November. And an IO-Link workshop is planned for October 11 in Turin, Italy.
In Bangkok, a PI seminar drew big crowds, next up is Vietnam. In the USA, there is a series of workshops to “add PROFINET to your device in three hours” coming up in October. Australia looks back on their 2016 Automation Innovation Summit.
PI Middle East has just completed a series of PROFIBUS and PROFINET certification training classes throughout the Middle East with a class on Food and Bev scheduled for September. PI UK has free PROFIBUS, PROFINET, and IO-Link classes scheduled for the fall. PI North America continues its free PROFINET one-day training classes with a total of 17 to be completed in 2017. PI has scheduled a PROFIsafe Certified Designer Training for October 10 - 12, 2017.