A Deep Dive into Time-Sensitive Networking

Learn how Time-Sensitive Networking brings determinism to Ethernet—from time synchronization and prioritization to preemption and boundary ports. It can be complex; even Ethernet today, if you were intimately aware of its inner workings, is quite complex. And yet, Ethernet is incredibly easy to use. The same applies to TSN features.

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  • Post category:TECH TIPS
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Vision Becomes Reality: Ethernet and PROFINET in the Field

Process plants must be safe for people, products and the environment. Ethernet is the de facto communication standard, but it does not meet the requirements of process automation without modification. Ethernet with an Advanced Physical Layer (Ethernet-APL) enables long cable lengths, explosion protection, communication and power supply over two wires.

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  • Post category:TECH TIPS
  • Reading time:11 mins read

ESP PROFINET Webinars: Diseño, instalación y mantenimiento

Last month, PI North America and the PICC/PITC Argentina hosted a successful webinar in Spanish language: "Diseño de Redes PROFINET." The event was the first in a 3-part training series. You can register online for the upcoming webinars on PROFINET network installation, and maintenance + diagnostics -both also in Spanish language.

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