Turning the Complex into Practical: PROFIdrive
Standards save time and money. On the drive level, probably the best example of successful standardization is the vendor-neutral drive profile: PROFIdrive.
Standards save time and money. On the drive level, probably the best example of successful standardization is the vendor-neutral drive profile: PROFIdrive.
Drive profiles free the user program from device-specific details. The more versatile and comprehensive a drive profile is, the greater the benefit.
By the end of 2017, there were more than 8 million registered IO-Link nodes and the number is anticipated to grow rapidly in the forthcoming years. This is why the IO-Link Community has been systematically engaged with functionally safe communication.
PI North America has several announcements this month: a PROFINET plugfest in North America, the launch of their new website, new training offerings, and upcoming free PROFINET one-day training classes.
PROFINET is great at moving information across a network – we never get tired hammering that message home. But exactly how PROFINET moves that information is still a gray area for a lot of users, and deserves a closer look here.
Depending on the end-user's requirement, PROFINET allows them to build a reliable network according to their specific goals. This new white paper explores PROFINET redundancy options. Download it here...
New products this month include Nord's PROFIsafe module for increased safety, Phoenix Contact's bus coupler becoming PROFINET v2.3 ready, and PROCENTEC releasing its Mercury for sale with new features.
Most of the communication in a PROFINET network flows between Devices and Controllers. Supervisors don't get much attention because they don't get involved in production work. However, a PROFINET Supervisor can be a great tool during system commissioning, checkout, and even to troubleshoot when there's a problem.