Three PROFINET Application Profiles Gaining Momentum – Part 3

With the growing focus on digitalization, sustainability, and worker safety, PROFINET is seeing a resurgence in the use of Application Profiles. In this three-part series, we will look at the three Application Profiles fueling this resurgence. Part 3 here focuses on PROFIdrive.

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Recap: Top 5 Articles of 2023

Our top-5 list of articles from 2023 include those covering: Advanced Physical Layer (APL), Module Type Package (MTP), the Standard Robot Command Interface (SRCI), the 2023 annual node count, and new products.

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Three PROFINET Application Profiles Gaining Momentum – Part 2

With the growing focus on digitalization, sustainability, and worker safety, PROFINET is seeing a resurgence in the use of Application Profiles. In this three-part series, we will look at the three Application Profiles fueling this resurgence. Part 2 here focuses on PROFIenergy.

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PROFINET over APL is Ready for Use

Certification for PROFINET over APL is complete, making the technology ready for use in process automation. This milestone raises the maturity level of the PROFINET APL technology from proof-of-concept to production-ready.

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Three PROFINET Application Profiles Gaining Momentum – Part 1

With the growing focus on digitalization, sustainability, and worker safety, PROFINET is seeing a resurgence in the use of Application Profiles. In this three-part series, we will look at the three Application Profiles fueling this resurgence. Part 1 here focuses on PROFIsafe.

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Test Lab Celebrates 25 Years | New Competence Center

The company Adeptor, in Norway recently passed the accreditation process to become a PI Competence Center for PROFINET. Separately, ifak e.V., in Germany celebrated its 25th anniversary as a PI Test Lab, with particular focus on process control.

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Newly Added Publications on Security and APL

In addition to the standards and specifications available from PI, occasionally accompanying documents are often produced, for example as articles in technical journals or as conference papers. Regarding PROFINET Security and PROFINET over APL, these papers are now organized on the PI website.

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Expanded Test Capabilities for Electronics Development

MESCO has expanded its test capabilities to provide pre-certification testing of PROFINET compliance, in addition to environmental compliance. These capabilities allow compliance to be verified beforehand to ensure a smooth certification process.

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