Recap: Top 5 Articles of 2023
Our top-5 list of articles from 2023 include those covering: Advanced Physical Layer (APL), Module Type Package (MTP), the Standard Robot Command Interface (SRCI), the 2023 annual node count, and new products.
Our top-5 list of articles from 2023 include those covering: Advanced Physical Layer (APL), Module Type Package (MTP), the Standard Robot Command Interface (SRCI), the 2023 annual node count, and new products.
Certification for PROFINET over APL is complete, making the technology ready for use in process automation. This milestone raises the maturity level of the PROFINET APL technology from proof-of-concept to production-ready.
With the successful completion of the standardization of IO-Link Wireless as IEC 61139-3, the most important pillars of IO-Link technology, IO-Link specification version 1.1.3 in IEC 61131-9 and IO-Link Safety in IEC 61139-2, are available as international standards.
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With the selection of PI as the host of Module Type Package (MTP) technology by ZVEI and NAMUR, efforts are under way to build momentum and accelerate world-wide acceptance of MTP. Read about the latest activities and where MTP is headed.
The purpose of the Get Together for Robotics is to promote cross-organizational standardization in robotics. Read about the topics covered, and comments from the CEO panel discussion during this event held in Erlangen Germany with over 100 participants from 39 companies.
Worker shortages in the logistics and manufacturing industries have the potential to disrupt operations and hinder growth. Read about how the omlox location-tracking standard helps alleviate this problem by leveraging location data to streamline automated processes.
With security on the top of everyone's mind, PI has been proactive in taking the steps necessary to secure OT networks. Concrete progress has been made in PROFINET Security Class 1, with Security Classes 2 and 3 not far behind.